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How it works

All venture investors supply some combination of money and help. In our case the money is by far the smaller component, the most important thing we do is help you build your idea and evolve your business.

Most other funding sources have been moving upstream, looking for companies that have at least a beta/prototype, a business plan and customers. We are looking to become involved earlier than that. We are looking for great people, with great ideas, to build great businesses that will shape the markets of tomorrow

We decide who to fund after each day of interviews (comprising initial meeting, validation and offer). How do we choose who to fund ?  The people in your group are what matter most to us. Whilst, your idea and business model are important too, in most successful startups these usually evolve substantially.  Yes decisions will include the amount we'll invest and the percent of the company we would want for it.  If we invest in you, your group is expected to be based in the Silicon Valley area for the 3 months. (You can of course leave afterwards if you want, but it's a good place for a startup to be). Whilst we don't supply office space, we have space you can use if you need to.



After you're accepted, we'll immediately get to work helping you set up your company, if it isn't already. As soon as your company exists, we'll write a check to it for the investment. During the 3 month program we'll have weekly workshops and get-together every Wednesday for all the founders. At each get-together we'll invite an expert in some aspect of startups to speak. Throughout the 3 months and after, we introduce startups to people who could help them. The founders of other Orgment Ventures funded companies tend to be especially helpful.

About 11 weeks in, we organize an event called Showcase Day at which the startups present to later stage investors. You can of course seek additional funding from any investor whenever you want. Orgment Ventures ("OV") doesn't really end after 3 months; only the group get-togethers do. We continue to give advice and make introductions as long as founders need - and so does the informal network of OV-funded companies.