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How do I apply? Do I need to submit a business plan ?

Simply fill out our online application. No business plan required.

What criteria will you use to decide which companies to invite?

As we review applications, we particularly focus on the following areas:

>Is the team comprised of bright, capable, enthusiastic people with whom we can work ?
>How BIG is the idea ?
>How big is the market opportunity ?
>Can a prototype, beta or market-ready solution be ready within 3 months ?

How much will Orgment Ventures invest in each business ?

We usually offer each selected team / business an initial investment of between $25,000 - $50,000, plus $10,000n, where n is the number of participating founders, up to 5 (i.e. 2 founders get $20,000, 5 or more get $50,000), in return for between 4% and 10% of the company. The average is 7%. In addition, each business will receive valuable guidance and professional services (including business / legal / accounting / tax) from Mentors and advisors at no cost.

Will you sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

No . . . while the more explicit you are about your idea the better we will be able to evaluate it, send us only as much information as you are comfortable disclosing. If you are selected by Orgment Ventures, top lawyers will counsel you about how best to protect your intellectual property.

Will you fund multiple startups working on similar ideas ?

Yes. It's unavoidable as startups' ideas morph so much. The way we deal with it is that when startups are working on similar ideas, we don't talk to one about what the other's doing.

I still have more questions. What do I do?

Contact us at